F. A. Q. s
Q: What is the schedule for history programs ?
Program Meetings are free and open to the public are every 3rd Thursday, Sept-May, 7:00-8:30pm at the Old Courthouse Museum (200 West 6th Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57104) in the 2nd floor Law Library or Courtroom. Occasionally there may be schedule and/or location changes so please check the home page for current program information.
These programs feature keynote speakers and informative programs, refreshments and an opportunity to socialize with friends who share a common interest in local and preservation.
All meetings are Open to the general public.
Q: Are the history programs streamed online?
Currently, history programs are not being streamed or made available online.
You can find several history programs from late 2020 and early 2021 on the MinnehahaCountyHistoricalSociety channel on YouTube.
Q: Who do I contact about Historical Markers in Minnehaha County, SD ?
If you have an idea for a new historical marker, or if you see an existing historical marker that needs attention, please contact the Historical Marker Chairman.
Q: How can I join the historical society?
Everyone is invited and welcome to join the historical society! You can find membership levels on the membership page and either mail the membership information (see the form for mailing information) and personal check or bring it in person to a history program.
Q: Can I get on the email list for the History Pages Newsletter ?
Yes absolutely! We don't have a way to add you via the website but please send your information to the MCHS Secretary and you will be added to the email list. Both members and non-members are welcome to be included on the email list.
Please consider a MCHS membership - you will receive the hardcopy newsletter in the mail in addition to other perks!
MCHS History Pages newsletter is published monthly from September through May.
Q: Can I attend the MCHS Board meetings ?
Yes absolutely. MCHS Board meeting are open to all members and the public. And if you're interested in possibly becoming a board member or officer we encourage attendance.
Board Member Meetings: 2nd Thursday of the Months Sept - May 11:30 am in the Law Library (2nd floor) of the Old Courthouse Museum, 200 West 6th Street , Sioux Falls, SD 57104